Dr. John Marshall


  • Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto
  • Attending Surgeon and Intensivist, St. Michael’s Hospital
image of John Marshall


John Marshall is a Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, a critical care physician at St. Michael’s Hospital, and a Senior Investigator in the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science.  He holds the Unity Health Chair in Trauma Research.  His academic interests lie in the area of sepsis and life-threatening infection, trauma, and the host innate immune response to these. His laboratory studies the cellular mechanisms that prolong neutrophil survival in critical illness.  He has an active clinical research interest in sepsis and ICU-acquired infection, and in the design of clinical trials and outcome measures.

He leads CIHR-funded research programs in novel clinical trial designs and the treatment of post-resuscitation fluid overload in critically ill patients, and has been an active investigator in more than two dozen clinical trials.  He is the Canadian principle investigator for REMAP-CAP, a global platform trial of treatments for COVID-19. He has published more than 500 manuscripts and book chapters, and has been cited more than 130,000 times.  He is the founding chair of the International Forum of Acute Care Trialists (InFACT) – a global network of 37 investigator-led critical care clinical research groups.  He is past-chair of the International Sepsis Forum, past-President of the Surgical Infection Society, past Secretary-General of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, and past-chair of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group.  He is current co-Chair of a WHO Working Group on the Clinical Characterization and Management of COVID-19.