Corticosteroid Early and Extended
The CORT-E2 pilot trial is to examine the role of corticosteroids in 1) early non-COVID acute respiratory failure and 2) non-resolving acute respiratory failure that has already been treated with a 10 day course of corticosteroids.
Ultra-Low Tidal Volume Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS through ECMO
The ULTIMATE pilot trial is a multi-centre, randomized, open-label trial, embedded as a domain within the PRACTICAL platform trial.
Prevent Reduced Outcomes in ARDS by Transitioning from Invasive Ventilation to ECMO
The PROACTIVE pilot trial is a multi-centre, randomized, open-label trial, embedded as a domain within the PRACTICAL platform trial.
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Strategies
Interventions in this domain will be evaluated at various stages including pilot/feasibility evaluations, phase II, or phase III.
Consent for Adaptive Platform TrIals using abbreViATEd, patient-centered, modular audiovisual methods
CAPTIVATE is a study evaluating novel consent methods that is embedded within PRACTICAL and aims to innovate the conduct of informed consent methods within this trial, and inform the application of novel consent designs to future clinical trials.
Nebulized Furosemide for the Treatment of Pulmonary Inflammation in Patients with Respiratory Failure Secondary to Pulmonary Infection – A Phase 3 study
Nebulized furosemide, in addition to usual care will be evaluated as an adjunctive treatment in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure requiring either invasive or non-invasive mechanical ventilation as to its efficacy for improvement of patient cente
Fludrocortisone therapy in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure with airspace disease.
The FLUDRO-1 trial aims to gather direct evidence assessing the potential role of fludrocortisone combination therapy in the treatment acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (AHRF).
Mechanical Ventilation Strategies in Venovenous Extracorporeal Life Support (IMV-ECLS)
The Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Strategies in Venovenous-Extracorporeal Life Support (PRESSURE) is a pilot trial to identify PEEP strategies that improve lung function in AHRF patients on ECLS.